How To: Ritualize Your Self-Care Routine


When practicing self-care or your makeup there is always a goal in our minds whether we want to believe it or not, we try to be the “prettiest” version of ourselves, almost to the point of transformation. This encourages the unhealthy obsession with trying to look like the next “big instagram model”, slowly losing our true selves. 

By creating an intentional ritual, you can enhance your everyday routine and allow you to create a relationship with your true self. You will grow appreciation for your unique features rather than focusing on what you don’t have and what you need to “alter” or “hide”. 

 In this blog we will cover,

  • What is a ritual?

  • The Effects of Creating a Self-Care Ritual

  • How to create your Own Self-Care Ritual

What is a ritual? 

Rituals are often misunderstood as always being religious, when in fact they’re just simply a sequence of activities involving gestures, words, actions, or revered objects.  

Or a way of doing something in which the same actions are done in the same way every time.

A ritual is slightly different than a routine because a ritual holds a more sacred attitude/tone towards the actions being taken. It is a process that is cherished and allows you to be present in the moment while also manifesting your future. 

A ritual is meant to create a safe place for our most vulnerable selves. Allowing us to confront feelings often ignored and gives us the ability to transform that energy into positive energy. 

All rituals are an act of self love and care. By transforming your everyday routine into a ritual, you will slowly start to see changes in your mindset and perspective especially towards yourself. It can be very healing, as it is for me. 

The Effects of Creating a Self-Care Ritual

Your intention will have the greatest result when practicing a ritual. While staying committed to a ritual you will see the effects in the way you perceive yourself. You will create a kind relationship with yourself and be able to see you for who you truly are rather than what you are not. 

The power of intention has been studied since the dawn of time. Scientists and people from all walks of life have been interested in this phenomenon of thought. Much like a placebo, it is believed you can change the energy of a situation with your intention of thought. The process in doing this requires belief and faith. You have to believe in your intention and imagine what it will feel like to embody that feeling. This visualization and creating attachment to a feeling is the key in this process. You can use this same philosophy when doing anything in your life that has an applied action. 

To transform any self-care routine into a self-care ritual you will use the power of intention and manifestation to charge the energy around you and the products that you’re using with what you desire (ex:the intention of confidence, self love, and acceptance). 

Sit down and ask yourself why you do self-care? To look good? Or do you feel good when you look good?  What feelings arise when you look better? For me, when I feel like I look good, I can walk into any room with confidence and not only accept but embrace/ be empowered by my unique features. 

All of those feelings that you desire are your intention of your self-care ritual, remember those feelings for the next steps.

A ritual with its repeated and applied actions will have a direct effect on your psyche by training it to attach to a feeling while not becoming dependent on a specific outcome. 

How to create your own Self-Care Ritual

The magic of creating a ritual is in the process. Rituals follow a set of actions/steps one at a time, in a specific order. Affirmations are key to creating your own makeup ritual. Be intentional with your attention. Your energy will flow where your attention is. Stay mindful of the process of your steps which will elevate your mundane routine into a ritual.

There are 4 key elements in a ritual that must be included. 

 intention + grounding element + high energy + repeated action

  • Intention- what do you want to manifest? When you do your self care routine what are you trying to feel at the end? Stop attaching yourself to the outcome of the “look” but rather how you wish to feel. Act as though you already have it. Embody it. Create “I am” intention 

(ex: I am strong. I am kind. I am magnetic. I am confident.)

  • Grounding element - anything directly associated with your intention or Earth realm. 

(ex: lighting a candle with same purpose as intention, crystal with connection to intention, oils to stimulate feeling that relates to intention, specific hour of the day/ day of the week)

  • High energy- Anything that raises your energy to a higher vibration

(ex: listening to high vibrational music,  intuitive movements such as dancing or just shaking off energy, singing, affirmation meditation, breath work, or repeated mantra)

  • Repeated Action- Any actions that have the goal of changing the energy that is present and is done through ritual or intentional practice

(ex: combination of I am mantra, use of high vibrational elements, at the same time every-day, all while transformation is intended) 

If you are interested in learning my Morning Self-Care Ritual you can check out my complete downloadable PDF Guide right here! Discover new ways to transform your life. 

Being mindful during your ritual is important but so are the products you are using. It’s important to be intentional about what you are putting on your body. To enhance your routine into a ritual even more, all my favorite products that I use during my self-care ritual are in my resource library, click here to check it out!



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