come & learn


hey girl, i’m Maddie

I went from living with every side-effect of hormonal birth control which left me feeling insecure and wanting to hide.

After I discovered Holistic Health the way I looked began to change and so did the way I felt about myself.

Finally, I found a natural approach to mind, body, and soul wellness and it transformed my life.

let me show you how you can do the same!

My Holistic Journey

My first introduction into natural wellness was through yoga.

I first turned to Yoga for a calm and guided “workout” like most but somehow I left feeling empowered as a woman and felt stronger than I ever have before.

I knew there was more to it and felt compelled to become a teacher and learn more.

My journey really began when I committed to finding classes to get my Yoga Alliance Certification. I found a class that was intertwined with an Ayurvedic course.

While studying the Philosophy of Yoga, my mind was opened and I immediately started to make changes to my lifestyle. To be fully authentic along my yoga journey I needed to make serious adjustments to my diet, my lifestyle, and even the products I used. This was just the first step but it impacted my life in many different and positive ways.

As I started to make adjustments to my life, I began to see weight fall off, my mood began to uplift, and I could start to feel more energy throughout my day.

I became intentional about what I was putting into my body and started feeling more like myself again.

The fog that was once there started to go away, and I was able to see things in my life clearer- for the first time in a long time.

Manifestation is Real

I have always wanted to become a model and that never seemed possible to me due to insecurity. After discovering the power of intention, my perspective on myself began to change. I made intentional changes to my lifestyle and what I was consuming, I finally started seeing results.

My skin was clear and glowing, I felt confident in my body, and felt free to speak my mind. I became more empowered and learned to love everything about myself that I once hated.

This confidence allowed me to see opportunities and good energy all around me. I was able to make choices that I once wouldn’t because of fear. I am now a signed model and it’s crazy because years ago I never would’ve thought this opportunity would actually come by.


simplicity. achieving your goals. becoming the best version of yourself. manifestation. natural ways to enhance beauty. female empowerment. healthy living. new perspectives.


artificial anything. hormone-harming products. animal-tested products. living out of fear.

you feel the same? it’s like we were meant to find each other!

ready to take the first step?


I too, was at a crossroads in my life contemplating literally everything. Sometimes you just need to make small changes to your lifestyle and they end up having a big pay-off. Holistic means “whole”, finally you will be able to feel “whole” again.

I’m here to teach you how I transformed my life and became empowered in my own skin. I want the same for you! I’ll be with you every step of the way guiding you along your journey.

Are you willing to make the necessary changes for a healthier and fuller life?

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Want to ditch the pill?  


Discover the Natural Methods of Birth-Control and how you start (safely) today!