How To: Cycle-Sync


Syncing your cycle with your lifestyle means to track your cycle, intentionally eat foods based on your phase and workout/live your life according to your energy levels. Awareness will allow you to honor yourself and how you’re feeling without guilt. Cycle-Syncing gave me confidence to live my life without excuses. 

Each phase brings new highs and lows. During each phase, your body also becomes susceptible to depleted nutrients. As women, our bodies are constantly fluctuating and by becoming more aware of your cycle helps you prepare your body for each phase, rather than being surprised.

In this blog we will discuss,

  • What is Cycle Syncing?

  • 4 Seasons of Being a Woman 

  • How to: Start Cycle Syncing Today!

What is Cycle Syncing?

Cycle-syncing is the practice of adjusting your diet, fitness plan, and lifestyle according to each phase of your menstrual cycle. There are 4 phases of the menstrual cycle and during each phase, as women, we experience a range of hormonal changes throughout the 27-28 day cycle. 

Hormone fluctuations throughout your cycle can have an impact on your health, mood, and overall wellness. Cycle syncing is used as a tool to help balance your hormones. 

To identify what phase you are in you need to determine the first day of your most recent period, as that is the first day of your cycle. By finding this day, it becomes easier to indicate the start and then move onto determining fertility signs such as cervical mucus and basal body temperature.

To learn more about determining your fertility signs go to my blog: “How To: Stop Taking Hormonal Birth Control”

Once you identify the phase you are in you can adjust your lifestyle, diet, and workouts accordingly. You will be able to eat foods rich in nutrients that you would otherwise be depleted in during that specific phase. You can workout according to your energy levels and make sure you always avoid burnout. You will be able to rest without guilt, knowing you are honoring your body and the phase that it’s in. 

By syncing all of these elements of our lives with our cycle, we will be able to live healthier and fuller lives. No longer being weighed down and having to say,  “sorry I can’t, I’m on my period”.

4 Seasons of Being a Woman

There are 4 phases of the female menstrual cycle. Oftentimes those phases are referred to as seasons.

For a better understanding of what’s happening while you’re in each cycle. Refer to this guide simply describing each phase and it’s purpose. 

The Menstrual Cycle is divided into 4 Phases. Follow this guide to understand what occurs during each stage.

The Menstrual Phase is the first phase, better known as the winter of the phases. It is Day 1-5. During this time energy is the lowest. It is recommended to allow your body to relax.

  • If you choose to workout, keep it low intensity. Movements such as yoga, pilates, walks, foam rolling and stretches are highly recommended. 

  • Nourish your body with intentional foods. Sea minerals found in seafood are very beneficial to add key minerals back into the body. Intentionally focus on grounding your energy with warm and easily digestible foods like soups and bone broth. 

  • Set intentions for the upcoming month. Slow down and develop awareness.

The Follicular Phase is the second phase, known as the spring of the phases. It overlaps with the menstrual phase and stops when ovulation occurs typically Days 1-14. During this time energy is slowly increasing.  

  • Movements recommended during this phase are pilates, light weights, dancing and yoga. Light cardio and workouts with a moderate intensity as well as using resistance bands.  

  • Support your body with vibrant foods. Great time to steam veggies, as they are best for digestion. Include green foods into every meal. Foods high in iron, fiber, vitamin b12 such as oats, any nut butter, flax seed. Consider lighter proteins such as chicken or eggs.

  • New beginnings, start something new. Increased energy means it’s the perfect time to manifest, you have a little more energy and brain power so make sure you use it!

The Ovulation Phase is the third of the phases best known as summer. It occurs during Days 14-17During this time you have the highest energy levels. It’s the time of your peak sex drive but also the most fertile time.

  • Take full advantage of this added energy with high intensity workouts. Full gym sessions are approved as well as HIIT, Circuit training, longer runs, vinyasa yoga, cycling, weight lifting. 

  • At this time your body needs the most calories. With increased energy, it’s important to support your body with nutrients during this time. Eat foods high in protein, fiber, omega 1 and 3, like lighter fish including salmon. Include foods that support your liver like salads and green juices. Fruits with high fiber content like raspberries and strawberries are perfect for added energy.

  • Communication and collaboration is highly encouraged. Take advantage of this new energy wave of confidence. 

The Luteal Phase is the fourth of the phases best known as fall. Occurs during Days 17-28. Energy during this time begins to decrease. This time is best used for self care and to prepare for your next period. 

  • Medium intensity workouts are recommended. Movements such as light yoga, hot yoga pilates, walking, resistance exercises, incline walking, and strength training. 

  • Sugar cravings will be at an all time high- perfect time for dark chocolate. For food, this will be a time for grounding-similar to the menstrual phase, warm foods will have the best response in your body in terms of digestion. Keep in mind you also need foods high in magnesium, fiber, b- vitamins, and calcium.

  • Take a breath. Your body is getting ready for menstruation. Honor how you feel without judgement and practice awareness. You may feel the urge to spend time at home and be alone-honor your needs if that is something your body is telling you. Perfect time to get things done that you have been disregarding, especially self-care.

How To: Start Cycle Syncing Today

To start cycle-syncing the first step is to identify what phase you are currently in. You can determine this by cervix position and cervical fluid.

To find out more about your fertility signs go to my blog, “The Natural & Effective Methods of Birth Control” click here!

The easiest way to determine your cycle without using fertility signs would be to wait for the first day of your next period and begin tracking that day. If you already know the first day of your last period you can calculate what day you are on from that.  

Follow this easy guide below for insight on activity levels and recommended exercises during the different phases.

Making holistic adjustments to your lifestyle can be overwhelming and just confusing based on what products tell you vs. what’s actually in them. Don’t worry, I’ve made the search easy for you! 

To find specific products and tools that help promote hormone balancing and overall better wellness, go to my curated list located in my “Resource Library”, click here to check it out!



The Natural & Effective Methods of Birth Control