Why Meditation is Beneficial to Women


The importance of confidence and self love is invaluable to the lives of women. I’m here to encourage women to embrace who you truly are and to feel more confident/comfortable in your own skin. Practicing meditation is one incredible way that helps you achieve oneness with yourself and the space around you. 

We have all encountered blocks in our lives whether it be from struggling with our role as women or maybe the expectations put onto us by others. There is positive energy all around, we just have to quiet down our minds and be open to receiving it. 

I’m here to teach you how you can cultivate a relationship with your true self through meditation. In this blog we will discuss:

  • What is Meditation?

  • What are the Benefits of Meditation for Women?

  • How to: Start Your Own Meditation Practice At-Home

This journey of being a woman is life-long and healing doesn’t have an end point. Be brave enough to explore your own version of femininity and step into the unknown despite knowing that familiarity feels safe. Lead from your heart with curiosity and have confidence while exploring within yourself. 

From my experience, we are all so caught up in our everyday lives, we neglect time to focus on our own energy. A way you can begin to explore who you are and cultivate a relationship with yourself is through meditation.

What is Meditation?

Many people have misconstrued ideas of what meditation is. The purpose of meditation is to remove your mind from your thoughts. This process has positive results in all parts of the body, whether it be physical or psychological. Meditation trains your brain to detach yourself from your thoughts.  

In meditation, it's important to be intentional and receptive in the moment to whatever thoughts or feelings arise. You have to be open to confronting sides of yourself that often go ignored and willing to let go of old/outdated habits.

Maybe you’re still living your life based on what your family, friends, or culture expects of you, instead of truly caring and honoring yourself/your needs. Meditation teaches you to be accountable for your own actions, develop your intuition, and enhance your self awareness. 

What are the Benefits of Meditation for Women?

Being a woman comes with hormones, stress, mood swings, and so many more symptoms it gets overwhelming. In the generation of women taking on more “masculine” roles or characteristics, we have sort of lost touch with our “feminine” side. The work grind is something to be proud of but that energy should be balanced, not addictive/obsessive. 

In our busy everyday lives of work, family, and social, it is essential to take time out of your day to decompress unwanted energy. 

Meditation has been essential in helping me regulate my hormone/stress levels and balance out my moods. Naturally, as women we are always trying to find ways to recharge our bodies because of our cyclical energy. This is where meditation can become a rejuvenator which allows the body to rest and energy levels to increase. Within minutes, you will feel the results of a much calmer aura and energy. 

How to: Start Your Own Meditation Practice At-Home

When starting your own meditation practice at home, here are a few ideas to get you started today!

  1. Create a safe and comfortable, quiet and designated space to meditate

  2. Play a frequency (binaural beats, tibetan meditation bowls, or Solfeggio frequencies 432hz for example) and close your eyes

  3. Set an intention for the practice. Examples can be “I am setting the intention to release negative energy from the day” or “I am setting the intention to be the best version of myself”.

  4. Try not to force yourself to think of nothing instead, redirect your focus on your breath.

  5. Begin to take deep breaths- in and out (no specific amount of times, just until you feel relaxed)

  6. Choose which type of meditation is right for you and you can start. Now you are ready to begin your meditation practice. Remember to not have any expectations and to remain open to whatever comes up. 

The music you listen to has an actual effect on your energy

Check out my Spotify playlist for my favorite high-vibrational music, perfect for meditation!


On my blog, “What Type of Meditation is Right For You?” I go more in depth on what types of meditation are out there. If you want to learn more, click here!

If you are wanting to create your own designated space to mediate, it’s recommended to create an inviting space for all of your senses. When meditating, certain aromas can enhance your space based on your intention. I like to keep my room extra cozy and comfortable to make my body feel safe when practicing. I’ve added a list of curated products I love having in my space during meditation. Click here to check it out!



How To: Gua-Sha


What Type of Meditation is Right for You?